I’m HOME!!!

Nothing is better than raising your own children. Really. I’ve been a working mom since my first was born. He went to FOUR different daycares. It was the mad search for something that was unattainable; someone who would “raise” him as I would. Well, the first problem with that, is they weren’t “raising” him. I think I leaned on them TOO much. And that proved to be extremely detrimental to his happiness and well being.

My oldest became out of control. He thought, especially recently, that he was in charge.   This came from years of crappy daycares and slacking on my part. My biggest problem, which is the epiphany I had last night, was that I like to blame everyone else for his problems. They are MINE. I decided that it was time for me to take responsibility for his issues. And so far, the transformation is going extremely well.

The baby. Well, the baby is just not healthy enough to attend daycare. Jonah really did well in daycare. Eli, not so much. His poor little immune system is just not that of a non-asthmatic. My work was extremely gracious in allowing me to work from home. This in itself is exhausting, but so very, very worth it. Geoff has already commented on how much my mood has changed. I feel free.


I feel like I have it all. I have my job which I love. I have my children who are ecstatic to have me at home with them. And I have an amazing preschool who I am not leaning on to raise my child. I’m dripping with sunshine and as nauseating as it may seem to others, it is making a world of difference to my sons.

And the fact that this blog post took me an hour and a half to type out, in between frying up turkey bacon, removing a button from the baby’s mouth and picking out current events for preschool; well, I couldn’t be happier! And they couldn’t be happier as well!



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Filed under Family

One response to “I’m HOME!!!

  1. Jenn Paul

    I love love loveeee you! I am also so proud of you and think and always have thought you are an awesome mom! I am glad that you are finally owning it and believing in yourself as I ahve always believed in you! Keep up the good work and happiness with yourself!

    and let’s get this baking party show on the road!!!

    Much love,
    JP ❤

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